释义 |
枭(梟)xiāo ㄒㄧㄠ 1.一种凶猛的鸟,羽毛棕褐色,有横纹,常在夜间飞出,捕食小动物 owl, any of several types of fierce night bird with brow and cross-stripped feather, living on small animals 2.勇健(常有不驯顺的意思) brave; valiant (usu. untamed):~将 xiāojiàng a brave general/ ~雄 xiāoxióng a fierce and ambitious person; a formidable man 3.魁首,首领 chief; head:毒~ dúxiāo drugpusher 4.〈古 arch.〉悬挂(砍下的人头) hang (the chopped-off head):~首 xiāoshǒu hang the cut-off head/ ~示 xiāoshì hang the beheaded head as a warning to the public |