释义 |
期 qī ㄑㄧ 1.规定的时间或一段时间 scheduled time:定~举行 dìngqī jǔxíng hold (a meeting) as scheduled/ 分~付款 fēnqī fùkuǎn payment by instalments/ 过~作废 guòqī zuòfèi become invalid after the specified date/ 如~完成任务 rúqī wánchéng rènwu accomplish the task according to schedule ext. 刊物出版的号数 issue number of publication 2.约定时日 make an appointment:失~ shīqī miss an appointment/ 不~而遇 bùqī'éryù meet unexpectedly 3.盼望,希望 expect ( comb. -望 -wàng expect):决不辜负大家的~望 juébù gūfù dàjiā de qīwàng never disappoint anyone in his expectations; never let anyone down/ ~待qīdài expectation/ ~盼 qīpàn expect; look forward to/ 以~得到良好的效果 yǐ qī dédào liánghǎo de xiàoguǒ expect to get good results jī |