

释义 zào
1.制作,做 make; build; create ( comb. 制- zhì- make):~船 zàochuán shipbuilding/ ~林 zàolín afforestation/ ~句 zàojù make sentences ext. 瞎编 cook up; invent; concoct:~谣 zàoyáo cook up a story and spread it around/ 捏~ niēzào fabricate
2.成就 achievements:~诣 zàoyì academic or artistic attainments
3.培养 train; educate:深~ shēnzào take an advanced course of study or training
4.到,去 go to; arrive at:~访 zàofǎng pay a visit; call on/ 登峰~极 dēngfēng-zàojí reach the peak of perfection
5.相对两方面的人,法院里指诉讼的两方 one of the two parties in a legal agreement or a lawsuit:两~ liǎngzào both parties (in a lawsuit)/ 甲~ jiǎzào Side A/ 乙~ yǐzào Side B
6.稻子等作物从播种到收割一次叫一造 crop, the period between sowing and harvesting rice:一年两~ yī nián liǎng zào two crops a year[造次 -cì]仓卒,匆促 hurried; hasty:~~之间 zàocì zhījiān in one's hurry; in a moment of haste ext. 卤莽,草率 rash; impetuous:不敢~~ bùgǎn zàocì dare not act rashly




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