

释义 zhī

1.撑持,支持 prop up; put up:把帐篷~起来 bǎ zhàngpeng zhī qilɑi put up a tent ext. 受得住 bear; sustain:乐不可~ lèbùkězhī overwhelmed with joy [支援 -yuán]支持,援助 support; assist; help:~~灾区 zhīyuán zāiqū give aid to disaster-stricken areas/ 互相~~ hùxiāng zhīyuán help each other
2.领款或付款 draw or pay money:他已经~了工资 Tā yǐjing zhīle gōngzī. He has drawn his wages./ 把工资~给他 Bǎ gōngzī zhīgěi tā. Pay him his wages.
3.用话敷衍,使人离开 Send away; put sb off:把他们都~出去 Bǎ tāmen dōu zhī chuqu. Send all of them away upon some pretext. [支配 -pèi]指挥,调度 arrange; allocate; budget:人员由你~~ Rényuán yóu nǐ zhīpèi. The personnel is at your disposal.
4.分支的,附属于总体的 branch; offshoot:~流 zhīliú tributary; affluent/ ~店 zhīdiàn branch store [支离 -lí]1.残缺不完整 fragmented; broken:~~破碎 zhīlí-pòsuì torn to pieces, broken up 2.散乱不集中 trivial and jumbled; incoherent:言语~~ yányǔ zhīlí broken language
5.量词 meas.:1.用于队伍、歌曲或杆形的东西等 for troops, songs or long, and thin objects:一~军队 yī zhī jūnduì one contingent of troops/ 一~曲子 yī zhī qǔzi a song/ 一~笔 yī zhī bǐ a pen 2.各种纤维纺成的纱(如棉纱)粗细程度的计算单位,纱愈细,支数愈多,质量愈好 unit of thickness of yarn, e.g. cotton yarn count. The thinner the yarn, the more counts, and the higher the quality
6.地支,历法中用的“子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、 酉、戌、亥”十二个字 the twelve Earthly Branches used in combination with the ten Heavenly Stems to designate years, months, days and hours[支吾 -wu]用话搪塞、应付,说话含混躲闪 prevaricate; equivocate; hum and haw:~~其词 zhīwu-qící speak evasively/ 一味~~ yīwèi zhīwu hum and haw




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