

释义 (攤)tān
1.摆开,展开 spread out:~场(cháng)(把庄稼晾在场上) tāncháng spread harvested grain on a threshing floor/ 把问题~到桌上来 Bǎ wèntí tāndào zhuō shɑng lái. put the problems on the table (and thrash them out) ext. 烹饪法,把糊状物放在锅上使成薄片 (a method of cooking) fry batter in a thin layer:~鸡蛋 tān jīdàn make omelette/ ~煎饼 tān jiānbing make pancakes
2.(-子 -zi, -儿 -r)摆在地上或用于、板摆设的售货处 vendor's stand; booth:水果~儿 shuǐguǒtānr fruit stand; fruit stall
3.量词 meas. 用于摊开的糊状物 for paste or thick liquid:一~泥 yī tān ní a mud puddle
4.分担财物 make a share in:~派 tānpài apportion (expenses, work, etc)/ 每人~五元 Měi rén tān wǔ yuán. Each person is required to contribute 5 yuan.
5.遇到,碰上 happen to; befall:他一向爱躲清静,这件事偏偏让他~上了 Tā yīxiàng ài duǒ qīngjìng, zhè jiàn shì piānpiān ràng tā tānshɑng le. He is fond of quietness, but unfortunately this has happened to him.




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