释义 |
鳞lín ㄌㄧㄣ 1.鱼类、爬行动物等身体表面长的角质或骨质的小薄片 scale, one of the small nearly flat stiff pieces forming (part of) the outer body covering of some animals such as fish, reptiles, etc. [鳞爪 -zhǎo] fig. 1.琐碎细小的事 small bits; fragments 2.事情的一小部分 a small part of a matter 2.像鱼鳞的 (fish) scale-like:~茎 línjīng bulb/ 芽~ yálín bud/ 遍体~伤(伤痕密得像鱼鳞似的) biàntǐ-línshāng covered all over with cuts and bruises (spread like fish scales); beaten black and blue |