释义 |
胡( 4.鬍、 6.*衚)hú ㄏㄨ 1.我国古代称北方和西方的少数民族 (in ancient China) national minorities living in the north and west:~人 Húrén the Hu's/ ~服 húfú clothes typically worn by the Hu's 泛指外国或外族的 (generally) introduced from abroad or other nationalities:~椒 hújiāo pepper. [胡萝卜 -luóbo]草本植物。根也叫胡萝卜,长圆锥形,肉质,有紫红、橘红等多种,是一种蔬菜 carrot, a herbecuous plant; also its long spindle-shaped and fleshy root, with varied colours such as purplish red, orange, red, etc. [胡琴 -qin]弦乐器,在竹弓上系马尾毛,放在两弦之间拉动 stringed instrument with a horse-tail hair tied on a bamboo bow and placed between two strings, to be pulled to and fro 2.乱,无道理 reckless; unreasonable:~来 húlái mess things up/ ~闹 húnào be mischievous; make trouble/ ~说 húshuō talk nonsense/ 说~话 shuō húhuà rave; be delirious 3.文言表示疑问的词,为什么,何故 (in classical Chinese) interj. why; for what:~不归 Hú bù guī? Why not return? 4.(-子 -zi, -儿 -r)胡须 moustache, beard or whiskers 5.古指兽类颔间下垂的肉 referred to animals flesh dropping from the chin in ancient times 6.[胡同 -tòng]巷 lane; alley |