

释义 ɡēn
1.植物茎干下部长在土里的部分。它有吸收土壤里的水分和溶解在水中的无机盐的作用,还能把植物固定在地上。有的植物的根还有储藏养料的作用 root, the lower part of the stem of a plant that grows underground. It can absorb the water in the soil and the inorganic salts dissolved in the water, and fix the plant in the ground. The roots of some plants can store nourishment. ( comb. -柢 -dǐ root):树~ shùgēn the roots of a tree/ 草~ cǎogēn grass root/ 直~(如向日葵、甜菜的根) zhígēn taproot (such as the root of a sunflower or a beet)/ 须~(如小麦、 稻的根) xūgēn fibrous root (such as the root of wheat or rice)/ 块~(如甘薯等可以吃的部分) kuàigēn root tuber (such as the edible root of sweet potatoes) ext. (-儿 -r) 1.比喻后辈儿孙 a male descendant (or heir):他是刘家一条~ Tā shì Liú jiā yī tiáo gēn. He is a male descendant of the Lius. 2.物体的基部和其他东西连着的部分 the base or root of sth. that is connected with sth. else ( comb. -基 -jī basis; foundation):耳~ ěrgēn the basal part (or root) of the ear/ 舌~ shégēn the root of the tongue/ 墙~儿 qiánggēnr the foot (or base) of a wall 3.事物的本源 source; origin:祸~ huògēn the root of the trouble; the cause of the disaster/ 斩断穷~ zhǎnduàn qiónggēn do away with the root cause of poverty 4.彻底 thoroughly:~绝 Gēnjué thoroughly do away with; eradicate/ ~治 gēnzhì effect a radical cure [根据 -jù]凭依,依据 on the basis of; according to:~~什么 Gēnjù shénme? What's your basis?/有什么~~ Yǒu shénme gēnjù? Do you have good grounds?
2.量词,用于长条的东西 meas. for long, thin objects:一~木料 yī gēn mùliào a piece of timber/ 两~麻绳 liǎng gēn máshéng two hempen ropes
3.代数方程式内未知数的值 solution of an algebraic equation [方根 fāng- ]数学上,任何次自乘幂(mì)的底数,也省称“根” root, a quantity that produces another quantity when multiplied by itself a certain number of times; Also shortened to 根
4.化学上指带电的基 (in chemistry) charged radical:氢~ qīnggēn hydrogen radical/ 硫酸~ liúsuāngēn sulphuric acid radical




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