

释义 tiāo
1.用肩担着 shoulder; carry on the shoulder:~水 tiāoshuǐ carry two buckets of water on a shoulder pole/ 别人~一担,他~两担 Biéren tiāo yī dàn, tā tiāo liǎng dàn. Other people carry two buckets on a shoulder pole, but he carries twice as many on two shoulder poles.
2.(-子 -zi, -儿 -r)挑、担的东西 load carried on a shoulder pole:挑着空~子 tiāozhe kōng tiāozi carry empty baskets on a shoulder pole
3.选,拣 choose; select ( comb. -选 -xuǎn choose, -拣 -jiǎn select):~好的送给他 tiāo hǎo de sòng gěi tɑ select the good ones for him/ ~错 tiāo cuò find fault/ ~毛病 tiāo máobìng find fault deliberately; pick holes [挑剔 -ti]严格地拣选,把不合规格的除去 select and eliminate the ones that are not up to standard trans. 故意找错 nit-pick; be fastidious tiǎo




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