释义 |
府fǔ ㄈㄨˇ 1.储藏文书或财物的地方 government repository ( comb. -库 -kù government repository):~库充实 fǔkù chōngshí The government repository is full./ 天~(喻物产富饶的地方) tiānfǔ Nature's storehourse (fig. a land of abundance) 2.贵族或高级官员办公或居住的地方 seat of government; government office:王~ wángfǔ palace of a prince/ 总统~ zǒngtǒngfǔ the residence of a president/ 相~ xiàngfǔ the mansion of a chief minister [府上 -shɑng]对对方的籍贯、家庭或住宅的敬称 a term of respect for the home of sb. 3.旧时行政区域名,等级在县和省之间 prefecture which ranks lower than a province but higher than a county |