

释义 àn
1.用手压或摁(èn) press or push down with hand:~脉 ànmài feel (or take) the pulse/ ~电铃 àn diànlíng ring a doorbell [按摩 -mó]一种医术,推、按、揉或抚摩病人身体的一定部位,帮助血液循环。也叫“推拿” massage, a kind of medical skill, used to enhance blood circulation by pushing, pressing or stroking certain parts of a patient's body; also called "tuīná"
2.止住,压住 stop; keep undercontrol:~兵不动 ànbīng-bùdòng not throw the troops into battle; take no action/ ~下此事先不表 ànxiɑ cǐ shì xiān bù biǎo Leave this aside undisclosed for the moment.
3.依照 on the basis of; according to:~理说你应该去 ànlǐ shuō nǐ yīnggāi qù Reasonably speaking, you should go./ ~人数算 àn rénshù suàn calculate according to the number of people/ ~部就班(依照程序办事) ànbù-jiùbān (follow the prescribed order) keep to conventional ways of doing things/ ~图索骥(本喻拘泥,转为根据线索去寻求) àntú-suǒjì look for a steed with the aid of its picture; try to locate sth. by following up a clue (originally it means rigidly sticking to sth.; figuratively means following suit)
4.经过考核研究后下论断,也作“案” draw a conclusion after investigation and research, can also be replaced by àn, also “案”(àn):~语 ànyǔ note; comment/ 编者~ biānzhě'àn editor's note




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