

释义 tóu
1.抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的) throw; hurl (usu. toward a target):~石 tóu shí throw a stone/ ~入江中 tóurù jiāng zhōng throw sth. into a river ext. 跳进去 throw oneself into:~河 tóuhé drown oneself in a river/ ~井 tóujǐng drown oneself in a well/ ~火 tóuhuǒ throw oneself into a fire [投票 -piào]选举或表决的一种方法。把自己的意见写在票上,投进票箱 vote; cast a vote, a method of election, the act of writing down one's choice or decision in a vote and putting it into the ballot box [投资 -zī]把资金应用在生产等事业上 invest, use money to develop production, etc. in order to earn profit
2.投射 cast; project a ray of light:影子~在窗户上 yǐngzi tóu zài chuānghu shɑng cast a shadow on the window
3.走向,进入 go to; join:~宿 tóusù put up for the night; seek temporary lodging/ 弃暗~明 qì'àn-tóumíng leave darkness for light; leave the reactionary side and cross over to the side of progress/ ~入新战斗 tóurù xīn zhàndòu throw oneself into a new battle [投奔 -bèn]归向,前去依靠 go to a friend or place for shelter:~~亲友 tóubèn qīnyǒu go to one's relatives and friends for help/ ~~祖国 tóubèn zǔguó go back to one's motherland for shelter
4.寄,递送 send; deliver ( comb. -递 -dì deliver):~书寄信 tóu shū jì xìn send a letter/ ~稿 tóugǎo submit a piece of writing for publication; contribute to a newspaper or magazine
5.合 agree with:1.相合 fit in with; agree with:情~意合 qíngtóu-yìhé agree in opinion; in love with each other 2.迎合 cater to:~其所好(hào) tóuqí-suǒhào cater to sb's tastes or likes [投机 -jī]1.意见相合 congenial; agreeable:他俩一见就很~~ Tā liǎ yī jiàn jiù hěn tóujī. They felt congenial to each other at the first sight. 2.利用时机,谋取私利 seize a chance to seek private gain; be opportunistic:~~取巧 tóujī-qǔqiǎo be opportunistic; seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery/ ~~分子 tóujī fènzǐ opportunist; political speculator
6.临近,在…以前 approaching; before:~明 tóumíng before daybreak/ ~暮 tóumù towards dusk




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