字词 | 绿 |
释义 | ㄌㄨヽ义同“绿 ” Same in meaning as "lǜ " [绿林 -lín]1.原指西汉末年聚集湖北绿林山的农民起义军。后来泛指聚集山林、反抗封建统治者的人们 (originally) the peasant brigands in the Lulin Hills in Hubei by the end of the Western Han Dynasty; (later) Greenwood Brigands or Outlaws who rise against the feudal rulers 2.旧指上山为匪、抢劫财物的集团 (old use) a group of outlaws or looters in the mountains [鸭绿江 Yā-Jiāng]水名。是中国和朝鲜两国的界河。源出吉林东南中朝边境的白头山,西南流到辽宁丹东以下,入黄海 a boundary river between China and Korea, beginning in Báitóu Shān, a mountain along the borderline between China and Korea, in the northeast of Jilin, and flows southwestward to the Yellow Sea below Dandong, Liaoning lǜ |
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