

释义 qínɡ
1.感情,情绪,外界事物所引起的爱、憎、愉快、不愉快、惧怕等的心理状态 feeling, a consciousness of something in the outside world felt in the mind such as love, hatred, happiness, displeasure and fear, etc.
2.爱情 love; passion:谈~说爱 tánqíng-shuō'ài talk love
3.情面,情分 favour; kindness:说~ shuōqíng plead for mercy for sb.; intercede for sb./ 求~ qiúqíng plead; beg for leniency
4.状况 situation; circumstances:实~ shíqíng actual situation; truth/ 真~ zhēnqíng real situation; truth/ 军~ jūnqíng military situation; war situation [情报 -bào]关于各种情况的报告 intelligence; information [情况 -kuàng]事情在进行中的状况 circumstances; situation; state of affairs:报告大会~~ bàogào dàhuì qíngkuàng report the state of affairs of the conference [情形 -xíng]事物的情况和形势 circumstances; condition:根据实际~~逐步解决 gēnjù shíjì qíngxíng zhúbù jiějué solve the problem step by step according to the actual situation




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