

释义 xīn
1.心脏,人和高等动物体内推动血液循环的器官 heart, the organ inside the chest which controls the flow of blood by pumping it through the blood vessels. [心腹 -fù] fig.1.最要紧的 secret; confidential:~~之患 xīnfùzhīhuàn troubles in the depth of one's heart 2.亲信的人 a trusted subordinate [心胸 -xiōng] fig. 气量 broads of mind:~~宽大 xīnxiōng kuāndà broadminded; unprejudiced
2.习惯上也指思想器官和思想感情等 habitually indicating a person's mind or feeling; intention or sensation:~思 xīnsi thought/ ~得 xīndé idea, what one has learnt from his work and study/ 用~ yòngxīn attentively; absorbed/ ~情 xīnqíng mood, state of mind/ 开~(快乐) kāixīn rejoice (be happy)/ 伤~ shāngxīn sad, grieved/ 谈~ tánxīn heart-to-heart talk/ 全~全意 quánxīn-quányì (with one's) heart and soul [心理 -lǐ]1.思想、感情、感觉等活动过程的总称 general term for people's mental activity, such as thought, feeling, sensation, etc. 2.想法,思想情况 mentality; psychology:这是一般人的~~ Zhè shì yībānrén de xīnlǐ. This is the way ordinary people feel about it. [小心 xiǎo-]留神,谨慎 cautious; careful:~~火烛(谨慎防火) xiǎoxīn huǒzhú be careful of the fire (take cautious action against the fire)/ 一路多加~~ yīlù duōjiā xiǎoxīn take care on the road
3.中央,在中间的地位或部分 core, at the center of sth.:掌~ zhǎngxīn the center of the palm/ 江~ jiāngxīn center of the river/ 圆~ yuánxīn the center of a circle [中心 zhōng-]1.同“心
3.” Same as “xīn
3. (core, at the center of sth.)”. 2.主要部分 the mainstream:政治~~ zhèngzhì zhōngxīn political center/ 文化~~ wénhuà zhōngxīn cultural center/ ~~任务 zhōngxīn rènwu the main task/ ~~环节 zhōngxīn huánjié the key link
4.星宿名,二十八宿之一。也叫“商” the fifth of the twenty-eight constellations into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy. Also called "shāng"




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