

释义 xiànɡ
1.(-儿 -r)样子,容貌 looks, appearance ( comb. -貌 -mào appearance):长得很喜~ zhǎng de hěn xǐxiàng have a happy-go-lucky look/ 狼狈~ lángbèixiàng a sorry figure/ 照~ zhàoxiàng take photos (or pictures)
2.察看 watch, observe, look at carefully:~马 xiàng mǎ Look at a horse and judge its worth./ ~机行事 xiàngjī-xíngshì act when the time is opportune/ 人不可以貌~ rén bù kěyǐ màoxiàng A person can not be known (or judged) by his looks.
3.辅助,也指辅佐的人,古代特指最高级的官 assist, also indicating assistant, chief minister, official with the highest rank in ancient times:宰~ zǎixiàng prime minister (in feudal China); chancellor
4.姓 a surname[相声 -sheng]曲艺的一种,盛行于华北地区 crosstalk, comic dialogue, a type of folk art form, popular in Northern China xiānɡ,




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