释义 |
嫁jià ㄐㄧㄚヽ 1.女子结婚 (of a woman) marry:出~ chūjià (of a woman) get married; marry/ ~娶 jiàqǔ marriage [嫁接 -jiē]把不同品种的两种植物用芽或用枝接在一起,以达到提早结果、增强抗性、提高品种质量等目的。所用的枝或芽叫接穗,被接的干叫砧(zhēn)木 grafting, fixing the shoots or twigs of two different species of plant together, so that the new plant can bear fruits earlier, have stronger resistance, and produce improved strains. The shoot or twig is called jiēsuì (graft), and the other part is called zhēnmù (stock) 2.把祸害、怨恨推到别人身上 shift; transfer (disaster or hatred):~怨 jiàyuàn shift the hatred to sb. else/ ~祸于人 jiàhuòyúrén shift the misfortune onto sb. else; put the blame on sb. else |