

释义 mín
1.人民 the people:为国为~ wèi guó wèi mín for the country, for the people [民主 -zhǔ]1.指人民有管理国家和自由发表意见的权利 democracy; democratic rights, the rights of the people in governing the country and freely offering their opinions 2.根据大多数群众意见处理问题的工作方式 de-mocratic way of working:作风~~ zuòfēng mínzhǔ a democratic working style/ 既要有~~,又要有集中 jì yào yǒu mínzhǔ, yòu yào yǒu jízhōng providing democracy as well as centralism [公民 gōng-]在一国内有国籍,享受法律上规定的公民权利并履行公民的义务的人 citizen, a person who belongs to and gives his loyalty to a particular country and who expects protection from it [国民 guó-]指具有某国国籍的人 a member of a nation
2.指人或人群 a person, or a group of people [民族 -zú]历史上形成的人的稳定的共同体。有共同语言、共同地域、共同经济生活和表现于共同文化上的共同心理素质 nation; ethnic group, a stable group of people formed through history, living in one area, and having the same language, same economic life, and same psychological characters based on the same culture [居民 jū-]在一个地区内较长时期固定居住,并且取得正式户籍的人或人群 resident(s); inhabitant(s), a person or a group of people living for quite a long time in a certain area, and having registered permanent residence
3.民间的 of the people; folk:~俗 mínsú folk custom; folkways/ ~歌 míngē folk song
4.指从事不同职业的人 a person of a certain occupation:农~ nóngmín peasant/ 牧~ mùmín herdsman/ 渔~ yúmín fisherman
5.非军事的 civilian:~用 mínyòng for civil use; civil/ ~航 mínháng civil aviation
6.同“苠” Same as "mín".




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