释义 |
烧(燒)shāo ㄕㄠ 1.使东西着火 burn ( comb. 燃- rán- burn) 2.用火或发热的东西使物品受热起变化 make sth. change by heating or baking:~水 shāo shuǐ heat up water/ ~砖 shāo zhuān bake bricks/ ~炭 shāo tàn make charcoal 3.烹饪法的一种 a method of cooking:~茄子 shāo qiézi stewed eggplant 4.发烧,体温增高 run a fever; have a temperature:不~了 bù shāo le high fever faded away 5.比正常体温高的体温 fever, a temperature higher than normal:~退了 Shāo tuì le. The fever is down. 6.施肥过多,使植物枯萎、死亡 damage a plant by excessive use of fertilizer |