

释义 (*喫)chī

1.咀嚼(jǔjué)食物后咽下(包括喝、吸) eat; swallow sth. after chewing it:~饭 chī fàn have meals/ ~奶 chī nǎi drink milk/ ~药 chīyào take medicine
2.靠某种事物生活 live on:~老本 chī lǎoběn live off one's past gains/ 靠山~山,靠水~水 Kào shān chī shān, kào shuǐ chī shuǐ. make use of local resources
3.吸 suck:~墨纸 chīmòzhǐ paper that absorbs ink, blotting paper
4.感受 feel:~惊 chījīng be surprised/ ~紧 chījǐn be in a critical situation; be hard pressed [吃力 -lì]费力气 entail strenuous effort
5.承受,支持 suffer; bear:这个任务很~重 Zhège rènwu hěn chīzhòng. This task is arduous./ ~不住太大的分量 chībuzhù tài dà de fènliɑng fail to bear too heavy a burden
6.消灭 wipe out:~掉敌人一个团 chīdiào dírén yī ge tuán wipe out a regiment of the enemy
7.被(宋元小说戏曲里常用) a word indicating passiveness (used in novels or operas of the Song or Yuan Dynasty):~那厮骗了 chī nà sī piàn le be deceived by that fellow[吃水 -shuǐ]船身入水的深度。根据吃水的深浅可以计算全船载货的重量 have a draught of (the load of a whole ship can be calculated according to the draught of a river)[口吃 kǒu-](“吃”旧读 jī early pron. "jī")结巴 stutter; stammer




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