

释义 (號) hào
1.名称 name:国~ guóhào the title of a reigning dynasty/ 别~ biéhào another name; alias/ 牌~ páihào the name of a shop; trademark trans. 商店 shop; business house:本~ běnhào my shop; this shop/ 分~ fēnhào a branch (of a store)
2.记号,标志 sign; mark:暗~ ànhào a secret signal; countersign/ 信~灯 xìnhàodēng signal lamp/ 做记~ zuò jìhào mark; make a mark
3.表示次第或等级 expressing order or rank:挂~ guàhào register/ 第一~ dìyī hào number one/ 大~ dàhào large size/ 中~ zhōnghào medium size [号码 -mǎ]代表事物次第的数目字 number showing the order of things [号外 -wài]报社报道重要消息临时印发的报纸 extra; special edition of a newspaper printed temporarily to report sth. important
4.标上记号 mark the number on:把这件东西~上 Bǎ zhè jiàn dōngxi hào shɑng. Have this article marked.
5.号令,命令 order:发~施令 fāhào-shīlìng issue orders; order people about [号召 -zhào]召唤(群众共同去做某一件事) call (the mass to do sth. together):坚决响应党的~~ Jiānjué xiǎngyìng Dǎng de hàozhào. resolutely respond to the Party's call [口号 kǒu-]号召群众或表示纪念等的语句 slogan or watchword calling people's attention or showing commemoration
6.军队或乐队里所用的西式喇叭 brass-wind instrument used in the armed forces or the bands:吹~ chuīhào sound the bugle/ ~兵 hàobīng bugler; trumpeter
7.用号吹出的表示一定意义的声音 bugle call; any call made on a bugle to express a certain meaning:熄灯~ xīdēnghào bugle call for lights-out/ 冲锋~ chōngfēnghào a bugle call to charge háo鯴




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