释义 |
卡 qiǎ ㄑㄧㄚˇ 1.(-子 -zi)在交通要道设置的检查或收税的地方 checkpost, tollgate, a place for examination or collecting tax:关~ guānqiǎ an outpost of a tax office; checkpoint 2.(-子 -zi)夹东西的器具 clip; fastener:头发~子 tóufɑ qiǎzi hairpin 3.夹在中间,堵塞 wedge; get stuck:鱼刺~在嗓子里 yúcì qiǎ zài sǎngzi li A fish bone sticks in my throat./ ~在里边拿不出来了 qiǎ zài lǐbian ná bu chūlái le Something has got wedged inside and I cannot pull it out. kǎ |