释义 |
僚liáo ㄌㄧㄠ 1.官 official [官僚 guān-]指旧时各级政府里的官吏。现在把脱离人民群众,不深入实际工作的领导作风和工作作风叫官僚主义 bureaucrat, (in the old days) an official in a government branch; currently used in guānliáozhǔyì (bureaucracy; bureaucratism), referring to the kind of leadership or working style that centers the power in the officer(s) rather than depending on the masses 2.旧时指在一块做官的人 (in the old days) an associate in office:同~ tóngliáo colleague; fellow [僚机 -jī]空军编队中受长(zhǎng)机指挥作战的飞机 wing plane; wingman |