

字词 出嫁的闺女哭是笑, 落第的举子笑是哭。
出嫁的闺女哭是笑, 落第的举子笑是哭。

Chūjià de guīnǚ kū shì xiào; luòdì de jǔzǐ xiào shì kū.

出嫁的閨女哭是笑, 落第的舉子笑是哭。

Lit The weeping of a daughter who is going to be married is [really] laughter; the laughter of a scholar who fails in the imperial exam is [really] weeping.

Fig In life, crying is not necessarily an expression of sadness, nor laughter an expression of happiness.

Note [Note: jǔzi or jǔrén was a successful candidate in the imperial examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasties, who was then entitled to take the highest level of imperial examinations.]

Topics APPEARANCES CRYING imperial examinations jǔrén jǔzi LAUGHTER Ming dynasty Qing dynasty SADNESS





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