


MC tok

1. innate power, potency, efficacy; sometimes thought of as projection of the dao 道 (Way) in the sensible world, hence cmpd. 道德 dàodé, the Way and its Power (Force, Working, Process); a potency vouchsafed by Heaven, so providing connection with Heaven, and permitting one who possesses it to influence charismatically but without overt effort the behavior of others in the same direction; esp. associated with sages, ideal rulers, exemplary figures who live in harmony with all elements of existence. Traditionally translated as “virtue,” but having no religious overtones.
a. merits, essential properties.
2. moral power, quality conducing to proper action in realm of social or community interaction.
3. kindness, favor, gracious treatment; (Budd.) blessing, blessed.
4. (Budd.) 大德 dàdé, trns. of Skt. bhadanta, most virtuous, honorific term for Budd. mendicant or monk.
㲪 dēng MC tong
1. (med.) (bn.) 毾德 tàdēng, 毾 tà.


本德 慙德 大德 道德 功德 古德 孔德 立德 涼德 毾德 陰德





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