


dùn MC twonH

1. knock, tap; e.g. 頓首 dùnshǒu, knock one’s head on the ground, esp. used figuratively at beginning and/or end of letters to express respect; 頓足 dùnzú, stamp or tap the foot, to show grief or impatience.
2. shake, shake out to make presentable or usable, or to smooth out, as when shaking out clothing before wearing, or shaking out a fish-net to spread over the water.
a. prepare, arrange, set out.
3. pause, stop; e.g. 頓措 or 頓挫 dùncuò, mark time (music), neatly measured phrases (lit.), nod and bob, check and catch, neat and pointed, measured and modulated.
a. stopping-place on a journey; inn, lodge; a halt, stage, gest (the latter esp. for royal progress).
4. tired out, exhausted, worn out.
a. brought to one’s knees, defeated; ruined; harmed, damaged; broken; wounded.
5. collapse, topple over.
6. immediate(ly), instantaneous(ly); e.g. (Budd.) 頓悟 dùnwù, sudden enlightenment.
7. (med.) set up camp, erect fortifications.
8. (med.) measure-word for occurrences, incidents.
9. ⦿ 鈍 dùn 1, blunt, dull.

頓措 頓挫 頓首 頓悟 頓足

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