


jīn MC kim

1. metal(lic).
a. hard, durable, lasting; impenetrable, indivisible; often metaphor for what is or can be considered enduring, unchangeable, invulnerable; e.g. 金堤 jīndī, “metal” dike, i.e. as strong as metal (not actually made of it).
b. one of the 5 “agents” or “phases” in wuxing theory, having symbolic correlations with the direction west, the season autumn, the color white, planet Venus, etc.
c. every metal, but esp. bronze, for making various implements, weapons, musical instruments, etc.
2. “the” metal, the finest metal, i.e. gold; golden (substance and color), auric. N.B. When placed in parallel phrasing with 玉 yù, jade, almost always to be translated as “gold” (not “metal”).
3. 金剛 jīn’gāng, “hardness of gold,” i.e. diamond; 金精 jīnjīng, “germ of gold,” realgar, orpiment; 金公黃 jīngōnghuáng, massicot; 金牙 jīnyá, “metallic teeth,” i.e. iron pyrites.
4. (bn.) 金橘 jīnjú (MC kim-kjwit), 金柑 jīn’gān, kumquat (Fortunella japonica); 金錢松 jīnqiánsōng, golden larch (Pseudolarix kaemperi).
5. 金紫 jīnzǐ, gold and purple, auriporphyrian, i.e. gold seal and purple ribbon; in med. times part of title 金紫光祿大夫 jīnzǐguānglùdàfū, Grand Master of Splendid Favor with Gold Seal and Purple Ribbon, high prestige title in Sui and Tang; 金吾 jīnwú, “golden apotropaion; golden defender,” fabulous bird supposed to protect against evil > gold-tipped baton > imperial insignia.
6. cymbals.
7. measure of cash weight; pre-Han equiv. 20 “ounces” (liang 兩), Han through Tang equiv. 16 ounces (1 catty).

金翅鳥 金堤 金柑 金剛 金公黃 金荊 金精 金橘 金錢松 金勝 金松 金吾 金牙 金紫 金紫光祿大夫


蹙金 切金 碎金 鬱金 真金





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