


MC pjuH

1. levy taxes, esp. land-tax or levy on produce.
a. general exacted duties, incl. military service (or contribution for support) and corvée.
2. contribute, distribute; bestow, endow, give to.
natural endowments, innate gifts.
3. spread out, diffuse, extend.
a. display, exhibit.
4. (lit.) traditional poetic trope in Shijing usu. defined as narration or description.
5. (lit.) particular genre of verse, one of the 2 major forms from Han through Tang times (the other being shi 詩), characteristics incl. lines of unequal length, difficult language, extensive syn.y, exhaustive description, ranging from long “display” pieces to shorter lyrical compositions; some early examples have brief prose insets but these are not a continuing feature; rhyme at end of alternating lines and (by med. times) preference for varying 4-word and 6-word meter is normal. If trns. of the term is needed, use “rhapsody” (do not use “rhymeprose” or “prose-poem,” as it is not “prose” of any sort).
6. to recite verse; also, to compose verse.
a. (med.) (lit.) 賦得 fùdé, “when composing, I get (i.e. am given) [X topic or rhyme-scheme]”; term often attached to poem-titles at group occasions where individuals are assigned different topics and/or rhyme-schemes for extemporaneous verse composition.







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