


jiǎo MC kaewk

1. horn, of animal.
a. object shaped like or reminiscent of a horn; e.g. 羊角 yángjiǎo, ram’s-horn, i.e. whirlwind.
2. frontal eminence or protuberance.
a. to butt; attack from the front or (2-horned) from both sides.
b. 2 tufts of hair bound on youngster’s forehead.
3. corner, angle; nook; e.g. 城角 chéngjiǎo, corner of city-wall; 風角 fēngjiǎo, divination by angle (i.e. direction) of the wind.
4. musical instrument, esp. used by army.
5. “Horn,” one of the 28 lunar lodgings, comprised of α and ξ Virginis, in the eastern quadrant (qinglong 青龍) of the sky.
6. (med.) measure of liquid capacity equiv. 4 “pints” (sheng 升).
7. (med.) wrap, bundle, pack(age).

jué MC kaewk

1. name of one of the notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding symbolically to wood, springtime, the color green, etc.
2. dispute, contend, fight over.
3. tripod wine-flagon, similar to 爵 jué but with 2 opposed spouts.

MC kuwk

1. (med.) rdup., onom. of pheasant’s cry: “goohgooh!”

角鴟 角梁

城角 風角 鹿角 肉角 羊角





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