


shén MC zyin

1. spirit(ual), divine, god(ly), deity; sacred, ethereal, holy; e.g. 神明 shénmíng, “divinely luminous essences,” all spiritual entities amidst heaven and earth, from spirits of natural objects to body-gods to transcendent beings of practical immortality.
2. actualizing spirit in humans, that power or agency which makes possible interaction and relation with nature and with other beings (cf. 精 jīng, germinal or embryonic essence; 氣 qì, vital breath, energizing breath, life-force), cog. 申 shēn, extend, extension, reach out.
a. spiritual essence of humans that survives death, which may exercise influence on human affairs, and which may be propitiated.
b. (Budd.) that element which carries one’s spiritual essence from one rebirth to the next.
c. (Dao.) that quality in humans which may be nurtured and perfected so as to shed one’s bodily frame and become a rarefied being all of spirit.
3. of a quality surpassing the normally human or transcending the ordinary categories of yin and yang; supernal, unearthly; marvelous, miraculous, wondrous, awe-inspiring; e.g. 神樂 shényuè, otherworldly music; 神交 shénjiāo, spiritual accord, a friendship that goes beyond common understanding; (Budd.) 神通 shéntōng, trns. of Skt. abhijñā, supernatural power, superknowledge; also, intuitive powers.
4. expression, mien; bearing, one’s “air”; e.g., 神色 shénsè, countenance, composure, appearance.
5. natural order, law of nature.

神乎 神交 神樂 神明 神農 神色 神通 神霄

媪神 谷神 入神 夷神 制神





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