


jié MC ket

1. knot, knot up (knot that cannot be untied, cf. 紐 niǔ); e.g. 結髮 jiéfà, knot up the hair, esp. of youth; also, the marriage night; also (med.), ref. a concubine.
a. tie up; fasten, attach; conjoin; e.g. 結綬 jiéshòu, attach a seal-cord (to one’s belt), i.e. take office.
b. associate with, connect with; e.g. 結親 jiéqīn, make friends, cultivate friendship.
2. intertwine; plait; thatch.
3. knotted up, tangled; constricted, pent-up, unable to be released or resolved; esp. of troubled feelings or difficult affairs.
a. bunch together, clot; cohere; crystallize; e.g. 結眉 jiéméi, knot the brows.
b. circle round, wrap, spiral; e.g. 結架 jiéjià, 結跏 jiéjiā, “wrapped cross-legged,” seated in meditation.
4. form (out of lesser constituents); construct; organize; e.g. 結廬 jiélú, build (or thatch) a hut; 結構 jiégòu, knotted or joined beams > form and construction (of a building, written composition, etc.); 結宇 jiéyǔ, build a roof.
a. to set, bear (fruit).
5. contract, agree to; e.g. 結契 jiéqì, make a pact.
6. come to a final result, conclude; outcome.
a. give final judgment, sentence; e.g. 結正 jiézhèng, declare lawful judgment.
7. (bn.) 結遼 jiéliáo (MC ket-lew), hill myna (Gracula religiosa).
8. (bn.) 結骨 jiégǔ (MC ket-kwot), Kirghiz, common Tang name of a Turk. people centered on upper Yenisei River valley, known from Han times and becoming a powerful force during the Tang; syn. 監昆 jiānkūn (earlier, Han name), 戛戛斯 jiájiásī.

結髮 結構 結骨 結跏 結架 結褵 結遼 結璘 結廬 結眉 結契 結親 結綬 結宇 結正

離結 盤結 蔚結





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