


wáng MC hjwang

1. king; in pre-imperial times, supreme ruler of the Chinese ecumene, equiv. tianzi 天子, “Son of Heaven”; in imperial times, “prince,” prince of the blood, esp. when remaining at court; when installed as virtual ruler of own territory, as often in W. Han and W. Jin times, best rendered “king.” a. kingly, royal, partaking of the exemplary qualities of a king.
b. ideally, intermediary between Heaven and Earth.
2. pay homage at the royal court, treat with the ceremony due a king, esp. ref. feudal lords or foreigners.
3. respectful epithet for grandfather (wangfu 王父) and grandmother (wangmu 王母).
4. a surname.

wàng MC hjwangH

1. to rule, govern, act as a king.

王不悅 王獨不見之 王父 王顧左右而言他 王母 王乃說之 王請勿疑 王如施仁政於民 王若隱其無罪而就死地 王爲民父母 王毋罪歲 王許之乎 王許之乎曰否 王亦不好士 王以天下爲尊秦乎且尊齊乎 王之不王非不能也 王之諸臣皆足以供之 王坐於堂上

爾欲吳王我乎 夫明堂者王者之堂也 苟行王政 如武王之意 謂王曰 西王母 越王鳥

故王之不王 輪王 仁王 天王 屠耆王 文王 武王 賢王 周文王 周武王 轉輪王





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