


yuán MC ngjwon

1. primary, primal, prime; basic, foundational; e.g. 元氣 yuánqì, primal pneuma, undifferentiated reservoir of energy before inauguration of the world; also, naturally existing qi that fills the world; (med.) 三元 sānyuán, 3 primary components of the world: heaven, earth, man; also, (Dao.) 3 executive realms of being: heaven, earth, water.
2. principal; paramount; premier.
a. first in sequence or importance, foremost; e.g. 元年 yuánnián, “prime year,” designation for first year of a reign-period; 元帥 yuánshuài, paramount commander, esp. of army on campaign; 元君 yuánjūn, “foremost lord,” ruler of a state; also, honored early ancestor; also, (Dao.) “primal mistress,” female divinites of immeasurable years; 元宵 yuánxiāo, “primal night,” first full moon of the year.
b. original, primordial, principiate; beginning; e.g. (Dao.) 元始天尊 yuánshǐtiānzūn, Celestial Worthy of Primordial Commencement, creator of the cosmos and producer of sacred scriptures and talismans.
c. epochal, era, epoch, epoch-making, often used as second element in reign-titles, indicative of a new beginning; also, marker of |start of certain calendrical divisions, e.g. 三元 sānyuán, i.e. full-moon days of first (上元), seventh (中元), and tenth (下元) months.
3. (med.) basically, originally, actually.
4. N.B. used in Song and Qing dynasties as taboo-substitute for 玄 xuán, hence cause of some interpretive confusion with regard to texts reprinted from earlier times.

元帝 元君 元年 元氣 元始天尊 元帥 元宵

渾元 黎元 七元 三元 上元 下元 玄元 中元 狀元





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