

字词 主客体辩证法


dialectics of subject and object


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 30.






1. 如果通俗地解择一下,阿多诺批评在传统马克思主义哲学解择框架中,唯物辩证法变成了一种外在于客观世界的理论观察(反映),它只去看到规律的存在,并同样以抽象的同一性逻辑去肯定性地编织装入被管理世界的理论之网。因为,在黑格尔那里,辩证法就已经要求一种概念只有历史地穆透到主体与客体的具体矛盾中才能真实地实现自己的具体化道路,而传统哲学解辑框架中的唯物辩证法却再一次蜕化为在事物之外去抽象谈论一些永恒不变的“联系”和“发展”特征的“方法论”。虽然寥寥数语,语境很淡,我们还是可以从中辨认出青年卢卡奇主客体辩证法的影子。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:13-14

1. Actually, for Adorno, materialist dialectics, in the interpretation framework of traditional Marxism, has been transformed into a theoretical observation (reflection) outside the objective world: only laws are within its insight; it is knitting an affirmative net of theories that can hold the whole administered world. In Hegelian philosophy, dialectics has demanded that a concept must historically penetrate into the concrete contradiction of subject and object, when it attempts to realize its own reification. Contrarily, materialist dialectics in traditional philosophical system has once again become a “methodology” that talks of several everlasting characteristics, such as “relation” and “development” outside the objective things. Indeed, the judgments derive from young Lukács’ dialectics of subject and object. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 30.

2. 大家都知道,早期的西方马克思主义者卢卡奇、葛兰西和柯尔施等人,诚然在进行其哲学理论重建的同时也隐性地确证历史主体性,如用总体性、物化、实践哲学和主客体辩证法等规定来张扬马克思主义哲学中的主体向度,但由于马克思的大量早期论著在当时并没有出版,所以他们的研究思路基本上还是从马克思后来的成熟文本(如《共产党宣言》、《资本论》等)出发的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:4-5

2. Early Western Marxists such as Lukács, Gramsci and Korsch, while sincerely restructuring their philosophical theories, nevertheless tacitly confirmed the subjectivity of history, using qualifications such as the totality, reification, practical philosophy, and the dialectic of subject and object to publicize the subjective aspects of Marxist philosophy. However, because most of Marx’s early works were not published at the time, these Western Marxists were forced to rely on Marx’s later mature works (such as The Communist Manifesto and Capital). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiv.


例句 1:
In this process, dialectics went through many transforms from dialectics of subject and object, to humanism dialectics, to structural dialectics and to spatial dialectics.

例句 2:
With Hegel’s “entity is subject”, Lukacs expects to realize the unity of theory and practice through reinstating Marxist dialectics of subject and object.

例句 3:
Consequently, the dialectics for the aesthetic host and guest develops among the four contradictions, and provides some revelations that the subject in reality often exists as the non-aesthetic subject, in other words, thereal aesthetic subject is not born, or in a hidden condition.





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