

字词 科技生产力


the productive force driven by development in science and technology


Jiang Zemin. Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 1) [C]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2009: 413-414, 415, 414-415.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 科技生产力.via:
[3] 科技生产力.via:


1. 召开这次大会的主要目的,就是为了动员全党全国各族人民,全面落实邓小平同志科学技术是第一生产力的思想,认真贯彻决定的精神,在全国形成实施科教兴国战略的热潮,进一步解放和发展科技生产力,积极促进经济建设转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道。——《江泽民文选(第一卷)》,2006:425-426

1. The main purpose for convening this conference is to mobilize the entire Party membership and the people of all our ethnic groups to fully apply Comrade Deng’s thesis that science and technology constitute a primary productive force, give full effect to the guiding principles set out in the decision, launch a nationwide campaign to implement the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science and education, further liberate and develop science and technology as a productive force, and vigorously promote economic development through greater reliance on advances in science and technology and improvements in the quality of the workforce. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 1), 2009: 413-414.

2. 社会主义制度的优越性,应该也完全能够在加快科技生产力发展方面显著地体现出来。——《江泽民文选(第一卷)》,2006:427

2. The superiority of the socialist system should be and can be fully and clearly manifested by accelerating development of science and technology as a productive force. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 1), 2009: 415.

3. 我国社会主义建设在经济、科技、文化十分落后的基础上起步,要在较短时间内达到经济发达国家经过几百年历程达到的生产力发展水平,后来居上,更须集中力量,大力发展和广泛应用科学技术,充分发挥科技生产力在经济社会发展中的巨大推动作用。——《江泽民文选(第一卷)》,2006:426

3. China’s socialist construction started from a very backward economic, scientific and cultural foundation. To quickly catch up with and surpass the level of the development of the productive forces that took economically developed countries hundreds of years to reach, we need to particularly concentrate our resources on vigorously developing and extensively applying advances in science and technology, and make full use of the tremendous role science and technology play in driving economic and social development as a productive force. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 1), 2009: 414-415.


例句 1:
Due to the pursuit of benefits, capital and technology tend to be trans-national and regional. The flow of science and technology productivity has become the first impetus of economy growth, and it’s also an important foundation for protecting human society sustainable development.

例句 2:
The flow of productivity determines economic development and social prosperity.

例句 3:
This article researches the relationship between the flow of science & technology productivity and the growth of new industries from their characteristics and rules.





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