

字词 中部崛起


development of the central region




落实促进我国区域协调发展总体战略的重大任务。促进中部地区崛起,是中共中央、国务院继作出鼓励东部地区率先发展、实施西部大开发、振兴东北地区等老工业基地战略后,从我国现代化建设全局出发作出的又一重大决策。涉及河南、湖北、湖南、安徽、江西、山西六省。2004年3月,温家宝总理在政府工作报告中,首次明确提出促进中部地区崛起;2004年12月,中央经济工作会议再次提到促进中部地区崛起;2005年3月,温家宝总理在政府工作报告中再次提出: 抓紧研究制定促进中部地区崛起的规划和措施,充分发挥中部地区的区位优势和综合经济优势,加强现代农业特别是粮食主产区建设;加强综合交通运输体系和能源、重要原材料基地建设;加快发展有竞争力的制造业和高新技术产业;开拓中部地区大市场,发展大流通。2006年4月15日的《中共中央、国务院关于促进中部地区崛起的若干意见》,是中共中央、国务院在新时期统筹区域经济协调发展的重要部署,是指导当前和今后一个时期中部地区发展的纲领性文件。《意见》提出,促进中部地区崛起的总体要求是“三个基地、一个枢纽”,即建设全国重要的粮食生产基地、能源原材料基地、现代装备制造及高技术产业基地和综合交通枢纽,在发挥承东启西和产业发展优势中崛起,实现中部地区经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展。五条重要原则是: 一是坚持深化改革和扩大对外开放,推进体制机制创新,发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用;二是坚持依靠科技进步和自主创新,走新型工业化道路;三是坚持突出重点,充分发挥优势,巩固提高粮食、能源原材料、制造业等优势产业,稳步推进城市群的发展,增强对全国发展的支撑能力;四是坚持立足现有基础,自力更生,国家给予必要的支持,着力增强自我发展能力;五是坚持以人为本,统筹兼顾,促进城市与农村、经济与社会、人与自然和谐发展。优惠政策主要有五个方面: (1) 加快建设粮食生产基地,在完善扶持粮食生产的各项政策、农业基础设施投入、农村劳动力技能培训、农业产业化经营、金融支农、农村教育、卫生、文化事业发展等方面加大支持的力度;(2) 加强能源原材料基地和现代装备制造基地及高技术产业基地建设,推进工业结构优化升级,支持中部老工业基地振兴和资源型城市转型;(3) 提升中部地区交通运输枢纽地位、推进交通运输重点项目建设、进一步推进商贸流通体系建设、把旅游业培育成中部地区重要产业的政策;(4) 增强中心城市辐射功能,促进城市群和县域经济发展,改革和完善县乡管理体制,加大对贫困地区的扶持力度等政策;(5) 在扩大对内外开放,加快体制创新,搞好中部地区开发区建设,加快完善社会主义市场经济体制,大力发展非公有制经济等方面作出明确规定。(奚洁人,2007:106-107)




1. 促进区域协调发展。深入推进西部大开发,开工建设一批重点工程,支持重点地区优先开发。继续搞好天然林保护、防沙治沙、石漠化治理,落实退耕还林后续政策。组织实施东北地区振兴规划,支持先进装备制造业、现代农业发展和资源枯竭型地区经济转型。编制和实施促进中部崛起规划,落实并完善相关政策。鼓励东部地区率先发展,着力提升国际竞争力。进一步加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区发展的扶持力度。制定并实施主体功能区规划和政策。——《2008年政府工作报告》,2008

1. We will promote balanced development among regions. We will extensively promote the large-scale development of the western region, and launch a number of key projects and support the development of key areas on a priority basis. We will continue to protect natural forests, prevent and control desertification, and reverse and prevent the development of stony deserts, and will implement a follow-up policy to consolidate process made in converting retired farmland to forests. We will implement the plan to reinvigorate northeast China, and support the development of advanced equipment manufacturing and modern agriculture and the economic transformation of areas depending on resources that are now exhausted. We will formulate and implement a plan to boost development of the central region and implement and improve relevant policies. We will encourage the eastern region to lead the country in development and improve its international competitiveness. We will give more support to old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas border areas and poor areas to help them develop. We will adopt and implement a plan and policy for development priority zones. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2008.

2. 我们实施区域发展总体战略。西部大开发继续推进,五年中央财政支持重点建设投资2800多亿元,基础设施和生态环境建设取得明显进展,重点地区和特色优势产业加快发展。制定和实施振兴东北地区等老工业基地战略,大型粮食基地建设不断加强,国有企业改革改组改造取得突破性进展,重大技术装备国产化成效显著,资源型城市经济转型试点进展顺利,老工业基地焕发出新的生机和活力。制定和实施促进中部地区崛起政策措施,粮食主产区现代农业建设步伐加快,重要能源原材料工业、装备制造业和综合交通运输体系进一步发展。东部地区继续率先发展,经济实力和整体素质显著提升。经济特区、上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区开发开放加快推进。这些重大举措,促进了区域经济合理布局和协调发展。——《2008年政府工作报告》,2008

2. We followed a master strategy for regional development. Continued progress was made in the large-scale development of the western region, with central government financial support for key projects totaling over 280 billion yuan over the last five years. Substantial progress was made in infrastructure development and ecological and environmental conservation projects, and development of key areas and industries with local advantages was accelerated. We formulated and implemented the strategy of rejuvenating the old industrial bases such as northeast China, increased efforts to develop large grain production bases, made breakthroughs in reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs, made major progress in using domestically-produced key equipment in place of imports, and made smooth headway in the trial to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation. The old industrial bases are now showing new signs of vitality. We formulated and implemented policies and measures to promote development in the central region and made accelerated progress in developing modern agriculture in major grain-producing areas. Major energy and raw material industries, the equipment manufacturing industry and the overall transportation system were further developed. The eastern region continued to lead in development, with significant gains in economic strength and overall improvement. The process of developing and opening up the special economic zones, the Shanghai Pudong New Area and the Tianjin Binhai New Area was accelerated. These major measures promoted a better distribution and more balanced development of regional economies. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2008.


例句 1:
Construction and reform of “Two-oriented Society” of the city group of Chang-Zhu-Tan is of strategic significance to promote the whole national institution reform, pursue development in a scientific way, promote ecological civilization, boost the development of the central region, promote balanced development among regions and accelerate the step of enriching the people and strengthen the province in Hunan.

例句 2:
The connotations and strategic significance of Central Development Project are not confined to the sole development of the central region; they also emphasize the cooperation of many elements inside and outside Central China.

例句 3:
With the implementation of the central rise strategy, the central region urbanization follows up and accelerates, which showing some new characteristics in urbanization of the central region.





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