

字词 丝绸之路精神


the Spirit of the Silk Road; the Silk Road spirit


[1] 丝绸之路精神.中国关键词.via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_37472583.htm
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 344.


丝绸之路作为人文社会的交往平台,多民族、多种族、多宗教、多文化在此交汇融合,在长期交往过程中各个国家之间形成了“团结互信、平等互利、包容互鉴、合作共赢,不同种族、不同信仰、不同文化背景的国家可以共享和平,共同发展” 的丝绸之路精神,简称丝路精神。我们应该一道努力,倡导文明宽容,防止极端势力和思想在不同文明之间制造断层线(《丝路精神》,via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Pys6MG0ynRLPMRKL23BMoj_3dDU69XmeyV2egylAFE47CROeTPsOwaOOJb3voB1CL0iVPqcV-r_otq2HeM56lmOxBBD_UW8EB6xJeSTUxA9Gm0BJvfDmFp-xwfHEQLA3)。中国与丝绸之路沿线国家在维护民族尊严、捍卫国家主权的斗争中相互支持,在探索发展道路、实现民族振兴的道路上相互帮助,在深化人文交流、繁荣民族文化的事业中相互借鉴。习近平主席提议,新时期弘扬丝绸之路精神,就是要促进文明互鉴、尊重道路选择、坚持合作共赢、倡导对话和平。(《丝绸之路精神》,via:http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_34085361.htm)。


[1] 丝路精神.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Pys6MG0ynRLPMRKL23BMoj_3dDU69XmeyV2egylAFE47CROeTPsOwaOOJb3voB1CL0iVPqcV-r_otq2HeM56lmOxBBD_UW8EB6xJeSTUxA9Gm0BJvfDmFp-xwfHEQLA3
[2] 丝绸之路精神.中国关键词. via:http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/china_key_words/2014-11/18/content_34085361.htm


1. 实现民族振兴的共同使命和挑战,需要我们弘扬丝绸之路精神,为发展增动力,为合作添活力,不断深化全面合作、共同发展的中阿战略合作关系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:314

1. The challenge of achieving national renewal calls on us to carry forward the Silk Road spirit, bolster development and cooperation, and constantly reinforce a strategic China-Arab relationship of comprehensive cooperation and common development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 346.

2. 弘扬丝路精神,就是要尊重道路选择。“履不必同,期于适足;治不必同,期于利民。”——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:315

2. To promote the Silk Road spirit, we need to respect each other’s choice of development path. “People don’t need to wear the same shoes; they should find what suit their feet. Governments don’t have to adopt the same model of governance; they should find what benefits their people.” -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 346.

3. 弘扬丝路精神,就是要坚持合作共赢。中国追求的是共同发展。我们既要让自己过得好,也要让别人过得好。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:315

3. What China pursues is common development, which means we are aiming for a better life for the Chinese people and for the people of other countries. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 347.


例句 1:
In addition, Shaanxi Province is also located at the bridgehead of western region development ,thus possessing the obvious geographical advantages .In trades with countries of Central Asia, Shaanxi Province can make full use of its advantages in humanity history so as to create the "upgraded edition" of Shaanxi economy under the guide of "Silk Road Spirit .

例句 2:
The connotation of the "Silk Road Economic Belt" shall mainly include three aspects, to carry forward the spirit of "Ancient Silk Road", to build "Modern Silk Road", and to form a "Community of Interests" and "Community of Destiny".

例句 3:
Based on the vision of the maritime silk road, this paper analyzes the five aspects of Zaitun, including the plant characteristics, physical value, significance in folklore, the implication of the Silk Road spirit and the world attribute. Then,the cultural symbolic significance of





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