

字词 非决定论




Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 191.


非决定论(indeterminism)是关于事物或现象之间相互关系的性质的一种哲学见解,与“决定论”相对。非决定论不承认事物之间存在普遍联系,认为世界没有任何秩序,世界上的事物不受因果关系的客观必然性规律的制约,而是由自由意志或偶然因素决定,宣扬盲目力量,是一种唯心主义理论。(非决定论.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007648331&d=E5958A492A39B927E30F22E15C00296B )例如尼采认为世界是纯粹偶然性的、没有任何客观的必然性和规律性,一切都是流动的、抓不住的、躲闪的,最持久的东西还是我们的意见;康德认为因果性是人们用来整理感觉经验的一种先天形式,并非客观事物之间的现实联系。美国实用主义哲学家詹姆斯认为,某种事物出现于世上的唯一现实的根据,就是有人希望它出现。(via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005769588&d=B5164F6BFB24E36F6C57C5ED2B205479 )德国胡塞尔的现象学、法国柏格森的生命哲学及存在主义哲学等非理性主义学派也都否认因果制约和客观规律性,主张非决定论。一些哲学家和自然科学家还力图从量子力学的测不准关系中得出非决定论的结论。(非决定论.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008158669&d=58513474136452FF30E90DFABC71DBCF )二十世纪上半叶,非决定论在西方哲学家和一部分物理学家中相当流行。在社会历史观方面,非决定论否定社会历史发展的因果性与规律性,否认社会历史发展的客观规律,如波普尔认为,社会历史是人们自由意志任意活动的结果,纯属偶然现象,不存在任何规律可循。马克思主义哲学在社会历史领域坚持辩证的决定论,认为社会历史的发展是有因果制约性和规律性的,但并不排斥意志和偶然性的作用。


[1] 非决定论.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007648331&d=E5958A492A39B927E30F22E15C00296B
[2] 非决定论.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005769588&d=B5164F6BFB24E36F6C57C5ED2B205479
[3] 非决定论.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008158669&d=58513474136452FF30E90DFABC71DBCF


1. “决定论的立场正确还是非决定论的立场正确,这是无法证明的。只有至善至美的科学或者证明其不可能有的科学才能解决这个问题。这里的问题是:我们在考察事物时使用(man heranbringt)什么样的前提,要看我们究竟把多大的主观成分(subjektives Gewicht)归于以往研究的成败。但是在进行研究时,每个思想家在理论上必然是一个决定论者。”(《认识和谬误》德文第2版第282-283页) ——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:196-197

1. “The correctness of the position of determinism or indeterminism cannot be demonstrated. Only a perfect science or a demonstrably impossible science could decide this question. It is a matter of the presuppositions which we bring (man heranbringt) to the consideration of things, depending upon whether we ascribe to previous successes or failures of the investigation a greater or lesser subjective weight (subjektives Gewicht). But during the investigation every thinker is of necessity a theoretical determinist” (Knowledge and Error, 2nd German edition, pp. 282-83). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 191.

2. 但是,从个体的立场来看,“非决意论”当然并不意味着是对这种困难的克服。现代实用主义者的非决定论最初无非是要获得物化规律的交叉矛盾和非理性化能够提供给资本主义社会的个人的那个“自由”的活动余地。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:286

2. Of course, ‘indeterminism’ does not lead to a way out of the difficulty for the individual. The indeterminism of the modern pragmatists was in origin nothing but the acquisition of that margin of ‘freedom’ that the conflicting claims and irrationality of the reified laws can offer the individual in capitalist society. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 195.

3. 卢卡奇给他的思想打上了一种反传统主义、反官僚的气质,这种气质以某种形式保留在他的大部分事业生涯中。他认为,“马克思主义正统不是传统的监护者,它是指明当前任务与历史过程的总体之间关系的永远警觉的预言家”。对卢卡奇来说,正统就意味着对历史过程的非决定论态度。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:118

3. Lukács displays an anti-traditionalist, anti-bureaucratic streak to his thought that was to remain with him, in some form or other, for the bulk of his career, arguing that, ‘Marxist orthodoxy is no guardian of traditions, it is the eternally vigilant prophet proclaiming the relation between the tasks of the immediate present and the totality of historical process.’ Orthodoxy to Lukács means a non-deterministic attitude towards historical process. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 75-76.


例句 1:
Determinism and non-determinism are two important trends to understand both the relationship between contemporary philosophy and traditional philosophy and the world we face. 

例句 2:
As one of the longest-running issues in the history of philosophy, Determinism is the question that every philosopher must answer when they philosophize. According to the different viewpoints on the determinism, they are divided into two parts: determinism and non-determinism. Determinists believe that the movement, change and development of things have their inevitable regularity. Things have the necessary links on causality; But the non-determinists regard that there is no regular pattern about the movement, change and development of things.

例句 3:
According to the development of free will defense, it shows that free will has different meanings, and the indeterminist one seems to be the most incisive.





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