

字词 需求价格


demand price


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:800.
[2] demand price. via:
[3] Alfred Marshall and Neoclassical Economics. via:


需求价格是英国经济学家马歇尔(A. Marshall) 最先创立的一个概念。需求价格是消费者为额外增加一单位商品的购买而愿意支付的价格。例如,在购买量为整数的情况下,第X个单位商品的需求价格是在假定消费者已经得到第X-1个单位的商品后,为得到第X个单位商品而愿意支付的价格。随着消费者购买量的增多,消费者所愿意支付的需求价格是递减的,即购买量X越大,第X单位商品的需求量越小。消费者对于所购买商品中每增加一单位购买所愿意支付的价格构成整个需求表列。在购买量可以无限分割的情况下,由需求量与需求价格构成的需求表列绘在坐标图上便得到向右下方倾斜的需求曲线,其中,横坐标表示需求量,纵坐标表示价格,表明需求价格是需求量的函数。对所有消费者对于某种商品的需求曲线的加总便得到市场需求曲线,市场需求曲线也是向右下方倾斜的。




1. 马斯洛夫用他对土地肥力递减这一“自然规律”所持的彻底资产阶级的观点,究竟把地租理论丑化到了什么地步,从下面这段马斯洛夫用黑体刊出的话中也可以看得很清楚,他说,“如果在同一块土地上连续投资,实行集约经营,能够有同样的生产效率,那么争夺新土地的竞争就会马上消失,因为除了生产费用外,运输费用也是要加在粮食价格上的。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:270-271

1. The degree to which Maslov mutilates the theory of rent from his purely bourgeois point of view of the “natural law” of diminishing returns can be seen from the following tirade, which he gives in italics: “If successive outlays of capital on the same plot of land, leading to intensive farming, were equally productive, the competition of new lands would immediately disappear; for the cost of transport affects the price of grain in addition to the cost of production”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 306.

2. 今年的政府工作,要以应对国际金融危机、促进经济平稳较快发展为主线,统筹兼顾,突出重点,全面实施促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划。大规模增加政府投资,实施总额4万亿元的两年投资计划,其中中央政府拟新增1.18万亿元,实行结构性减税,扩大国内需求;大范围实施调整振兴产业规划,提高国民经济整体竞争力;大力推进自主创新,加强科技支撑,增强发展后劲;大幅度提高社会保障水平,扩大城乡就业,促进社会事业发展。——《2015政府工作报告》

2. This year, our government work will give high priority to dealing with the global financial crisis and promoting steady and rapid economic development. We will take a coordinated approach, stress key areas, and fully implement a package plan to ensure steady and rapid economic development. We will dramatically increase government investment by launching a four trillion yuan two-year investment plan, for which the central government has pledged 1.18 trillion yuan, and implement a structural tax reduction in order to stimulate domestic demand. We will also implement a massive plan to adjust and reinvigorate industries to raise the overall competitiveness of the economy; vigorously promote independent innovation and provide scientific and technological support to increase the sustaining power of development; and significantly increase social security benefits, expand urban and rural employment and promote development of social programs. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015. via: http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/2015-03/17/content_35077119.htm


例句 1:
Demand price elasticity is an important concept in management economics, it is an important guideline to direct market behavior. It is very important to understand demand price elasticity's concept, master its calculating method and analysis of economic phenomenon. By implementation of demand price elasticity in analyzing price changes' impact on income, raised some factors that are actively influencing demand price elasticity, demand price elasticity's calculation method and analysis of economic phenomenon using demand price elasticity theory.

例句 2:
Natural gas demand price elasticity has a considerable impact on the determination of natural gas demand and price. This paper summarizes natural gas demand price elasticity estimation models, and presents the estimation process of shoe-term and long-term elastic coefficient. Moreov





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