

字词 集体利益


collective interest


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 5) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1977: 261.


集体利益是社会集团全体成员的共同利益。与所在社会的生产资料所有制有密切联系,不同的所有制关系决定了集体利益不同的性质。在社会主义国家,集体利益从一定意义上讲,是指国家和全体人民的利益,同时也指人们所在集体的全体成员的共同利益。集体利益具体包括社会集团公有的自然资源或集体所有的生产资料和资金、教育和文化娱乐设施等。一般来说,个人利益作为个体化的活动方式, 在内容指向和方式特点上是各不相同,丰富多彩,层次重叠,带有强烈的个性特色。而集体利益作为共性化的活动方式,与个人利益的多样化相比较,在内容上更集中,在目标上更明确,在组织上更规范,体现了集体成员之间的共同愿望和意志。集体利益不可能脱离个人利益而独立存在,个人利益也不可能脱离集体利益而独立存在,二者是辩证地联系在一起的。作为现实的个人,是社会化的个人,个人在其一生中,必定是要参加并从属于各种不同类型的或不同层次的社会群体,并在其中展开系列的社会性活动,从而在活动中实现个人与群体的统一,实现自己的个人利益。个人利益不是抽象的东西。集体利益也不是一种空洞的抽象物,集体利益就是众多的有联系的个人利益得以实现的那个社会活动方式(李一平,吕飞云,2000:62-63)。集体利益是个人利益的大多数的体现,与个人利益有宏观的一致性与统一性。实现集体利益就是对个人利益的满足或为满足打下基础。




1. 反对自私自利的资本主义的自发倾向,提倡以集体利益和个人利益相结合的原则为一切言论行动的标准的社会主义精神,是使分散的小农经济逐步地过渡到大规模合作化经济的思想的和政治的保证。——《毛泽东选集(第五卷)》,1977:244

1. To oppose spontaneous tendencies towards capitalism which is characterized by selfishness and to foster the socialist spirit which postulates the principle of integrating collective interest with individual interest as the criterion for judging all words and deeds—these are the ideological and political guarantees for the gradual transition from a scattered small peasant economy to a large-scale cooperative economy. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 5), 1977: 260-261.

2. 有些群众往往容易注意当前的、局部的、个人的利益,而不了解或者不很了解长远的、全国性的、集体的利益。——《毛泽东选集(第五卷)》,1977:395

2. It should be admitted that among the masses some are prone to pay attention to immediate, partial and personal interests and do not understand, or do not sufficiently understand, long-range, national and collective interests. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 5), 1977: 414.

3. 在今天的社会里,“在文明化了的机构中”,充满了“行动的两面性,个人利益和集体利益之间的对立”;这是“个人对群众所进行的一场普遍的斗争。而我们的政治科学还敢于谈论行动的一致性!”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:680

3. In present-day society, “in the civilised mechanism”, “duplicity of action, contradiction between individual and collective interests” dominate; it is “a universal war of the individuals against the masses. And our political sciences dare to speak of unity of action!” -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1975: 612.


例句 1:
The principle of collective interest stands an important position in the social philosophy.

例句 2:
On what condition the collective interest can be captured by the groups consist of rational individuals? Based on the methodology of individualism, this paper has made an inquiry into the general condition to realize the collective interest from the perspective of interest distribution.

例句 3:
Through the study of this book, I found Jhering’s inconsistent views toward interest: in the aspect of the value status of the interest, the collective interest of the struggle of law is superior to the individual one. However, in view of their relationship, the collective interest is based on the individual one.





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