

字词 金融投机


financial speculation


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 464.




[1] 金融投机.via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/金融投机
[2] 张春子.国际金融投机与政府控制[J].国际经济评论,1997,(5).


1. 在这里,马克思分享了黑格尔对普通如何成为“自为的”洞见。在一定的意义上,“控制我们生活的市场关系这一抽象概念”已经达到了顶点。关于这种抽象的普遍性与当代意识形态霸权的问题,齐泽克与巴特勒和拉克劳合作写下了一本学术分量很重的对话集。并且,在今天,抽象的资本成为统治已经发展到它的最高形态了:“‘虚拟资本主义’(期货贸易和类似的抽象金融投机)的现象不就表示着最纯粹意义上‘真实抽象’的统治比其在马克思时代的情形更加彻底吗?”这是十分精辟入里的分析。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:358

1. Here Marx shares Hegel's insight into how universality becomes ‘for itself. ’ To a certain extent, “the abstraction of market relations that run our lives is brought to an extreme.” (As to the universality of abstraction and current ideological hegemony, Zizek cooperated with Judith Butler and Ernesto Laclau, writing an important academic book of dialogues.) In addition, the domination of abstract capital has reached its highest level: “do not phenomena usually described as those of Virtual capitalism (the futures trade and similar abstract financial speculations) indicate the reign of ‘real abstraction’ at its purest, much more radical than it was in Marx's time?’ This is also a profound analysis. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 463-464.

2. 问题在于这种“抽象”并不仅仅存在于我们(金融投机者)对社会现实的错误理解上;在确定物质社会进程真正结构的特定意义 上它是“真实的”:各个阶层的命运,有时是整个国家的命运都可能由“唯我论的”资本思辨之舞所决定,它追寻自已的利益而全然不顾其行动会对社会现实产生影响。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:321

2. The problem is that this "abstraction" does not exist only in our (financial speculators) misperception of social reality; it is "real" in the precise sense of determining the very structure of material social processes: the fate of whole strata of populations, and sometimes of whole countries, can be decided by the "solipsistic" speculative dance of Capital, which pursues its goal of profitability with a blessed indifference to the way its movement will affect social reality. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 420.

3. 但是,难道自由的报刊什么时候曾经加重过国债吗?奥尔良公爵摄政时期,约翰·罗的疯狂的证券投机使整个法国处于混乱状态;那时有谁曾经起来同这一荒诞的金融投机狂飚时期相对抗呢?只有几个讽刺作家。当然,他们获得的报偿并不是银行的钞票,而是巴士底狱的入狱证。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)上册》,1960:152

3. But has a free press ever increased national debts? When, under the regency of the Duke of Orleans, the whole of France plunged into Law's financial lunacies, who opposed this fantastic storm and stress period of money speculations except for a few satirists, who of course received not banknotes but notes sending them to the Bastille. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 142.


例句 1:
Speculative trading is considered to be the root cause of financial systemic risk, and financial transaction tax is a kind of financial tax to curb financial speculation.

例句 2:
非商业净持仓变动(金融投机)对商品价格有着显著的影响。 但是,综合来看,商业空头对价格的影响力应大于金融投机对价格的影响力。——“谁掌握着大宗商品定价权?——基于原油期货持仓的实证分析”,载于《上海金融》2014年第2期
Non-commercial net positions (Financial Speculator) have a significant influence on the commodity prices. But on the whole, the influence of commercial short positions should be stronger than financial speculation.

例句 3:
The fact of US Dollar being an international currency held globally and issued solely by Fed, on one hand, produced tremendous exclusive interest for U.S, and, on the other hand, resulted in its crippled economic growth, excessive global liquidity, increasing inflationary pressure, and exuberant financial speculation. Once these hidden troubles are out of control, it is surefire that severe destroy will befall on US economy and financial system, and a global crisis, even economic de





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