

字词 道德建设


to build ethics; education on virtue and morality; ethical progress


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014:176, 468.




[1] 杜灵来.当代中国道德建设实效性研究[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2008:34.
[2] 赵清文.论道德建设与道德教育的关系[J].天府新论,2005,(2).


1. 道德模范是社会道德建设的重要旗帜,要深入开展学习宣传道德模范活动,弘扬真善美,传播正能量,激励人民群众崇德向善、见贤思齐,鼓励全社会积善成德、明德惟馨,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦凝聚起强大的精神力量和有力的道德支撑。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:158

1. Paragons of morality are important banners for building public ethics. We need to carry out campaigns to publicize such paragons of morality and let people learn from them, foster the true, the good and the beautiful, and spread positive energy. We should inspire the people to esteem virtue, perform good deeds and emulate virtuous people. Moreover, we should encourage the whole of society to cultivate morality by practicing virtue and to exert a positive influence through ethical behavior. In this way, we will marshal strong spiritual and ethical support for realizing the Chinese Dream of national renewal. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 176.

2. 形势越变化、党和人民事业越发展,越要重视干部培养。培养干部,要抓好党性教育这个核心, 抓好道德建设这个基础,加强宗旨意识、公仆意识教育。要强化干部实践锻炼,积极为干部锻炼成长搭建平台。—— 《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:417

2. We need to focus more on the training of officials along with the changes of the circumstances and the development of the cause of the Party and the people. In this training, we must pay more attention to education on commitment to the Party, virtue and morality, awareness about the Party’s ultimate goal, and sense of serving the people. We also need to strengthen the training of officials in practical circumstances to facilitate their progress. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 468.

3. 要坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,把法治建设和道德建设紧密结合起来,把他律和自律紧密结合起来,做到法治和德治相辅相成、相互促进。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:145-146

3. We should integrate the rule of law with rule by virtue and legal enforcement with ethical progress, encourage both regulation by laws and by self-discipline, and ensure that the rule of law and rule by virtue complement and reinforce each other. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 157.


例句 1:
Since the reform and opening up, civil moral construction in our country has made significant achievements, civil moral theory has been constantly innovated, the system of civil moral construction has been gradually formed, the model characters have emerged unceasingly, and the experience of civil moral construction has been increasingly rich. 

例句 2:
It has become the ties of maintaining social benign interaction, is the national development, social progress and people’s rich happy important spiritual power.

例句 3:
Moral construction is a state-led systematical project. It promotes the development of people and maintains the orderly operation of social interaction by converting the ethics to morals.





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