

字词 辩证唯物主义


dialectical materialism


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:169.
[2] Dialectical materialism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectical_materialism


辩证唯物主义即辩证唯物论,是马克思主义的一种哲学理论,它是把唯物主义和辩证法有机地统一起来的科学世界观。辩证唯物主义是由辩证的唯物论和唯物的辩证法、辩证唯物主义认识论三部分组成。首先,辩证唯物主义认为世界在本质上是物质的。恩格斯说:“世界的真正的统一性是在于它的物质性”。(马克思恩格斯选集,1995:83)物质是第一性的,意识是第二性的,意识是高度发展的物质——人脑的机能是客观物质世界在人脑中的反映。其次,辩证唯物主义认为物质世界是按照它本身所固有的规律运动、变化和发展的,“事物都是一分为二的。”它揭示了事物发展的根本原因在于事物内部的矛盾性。事物矛盾双方又统一又斗争,促使事物不断地由低级向高级发展。因此,事物的矛盾规律,即对立统一的规律,它是物质世界运动、变化和发展的最根本的规律。辩证唯物主义是马克思在批判地继承了人类文化的优秀成果,特别是在批判地吸收了黑格尔辩证法的“合理内核”和费尔巴哈唯物主义的“基本内核”的基础上创立的。“辩证唯物主义”这一术语最早出在J·狄慈根(Dietzgen Joseph,1828—1888)在1886年出版的《一个社会主义者在哲学领域中的漫游》一书中,狄慈根用这一概念表述马克思主义世界观。后来普列汉诺夫也是这样表述的。列宁、斯大林、毛泽东在讲到马克思主义世界观时,还用过“完备的唯物主义”、“唯物辩证法”等概念。这些概念的实质完全一致,只是侧重点有不同。总体上看,辩证唯物主义的诞生是哲学史上的伟大变革,它克服了古代朴素唯物主义、近代机械唯物主义的不彻底性,真正实现了唯物主义与辩证法的有机统一。




1. 二,在1877年,米海洛夫斯基先生以维护“热血志士”(即革命社会主义者)马克思不受自由派批评家的攻击为己任,而且是那样专心致志,竟没有发觉马克思的方法和他自己的方法互不相容。可是有人向他说明了辩证唯物主义和主观社会学之间的这个不可调和的矛盾——恩格斯的文章和书就说明了这点。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:145

1. Secondly, in 1877 Mr. Mikhailovsky was so engrossed in his task of defending the “sanguine” (i.e., revolutionary socialist) Marx from the liberal critics that he failed to observe the incompatibility of Marx’s method and his own. And then this irreconcilable contradiction between dialectical materialism and subjective sociology was explained to him—explained by Engels’ articles and books. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 181.

2. 这种论调同样是错误的。它表明,持这种论调的人把一些好的决议背得烂熟而不懂得这些决议的意义,他们死记硬背反饶勒斯主义词句,而不加以深思,因此用得完全不恰当,他们领会的是字面意义而不是国际革命社会民主党的最近教训的精神。谁要想从辩证唯物主义的观点来评价饶勒斯主义,他就应当把主观动机和客观历史条件严格区别开来。从主观上讲,饶勒斯是想拯救共和国,为此才同资产阶级民主派结成联盟。——《列宁全集(第十卷)》,1987:22

2. That reasoning is no less fallacious. It shows that those who resort to it have memorised good resolutions without understanding their meaning; they have learned a few anti-Jaurèsist catchwords by rote, but have not duly weighed them and thus misapply them; they have learned the letter but not the spirit of the recent lessons of international revolutionary Social-Democracy. To judge Jaurèsism from the point of view of dialectical materialism one must draw a clear line between subjective motives and objective historical conditions. Subjectively, Jaurès wanted to save the republic by entering into an alliance with the bourgeois democrats. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 8), 1977: 297.


例句 1:
In this paper, writer regarded the main disadvantages of the old materialism as the entry of view to analyze the nature of Marxist philosophy, analyzed the reasons of these two different views about understanding the essence of Marxist philosophy is dialectical materialism or the practice materialism. The author thinks the main reason to the different understandings is the main shortcomings of the old materialism.

例句 2:
On the basis of reviewing the main ideas of levels philosophy of dialectical materialism theory, Mutationism, Emergentism, system theory, dissipative structure theory, synergetics, and other disciplines, it is believed that the objective world is a unity of multi-level hierarchy which is the intrinsic attribute of objective things.

例句 3:
Marxist political economics is a theoretical system, which is guided by the world view and methodology of the dialectical materialism a





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