

字词 资产阶级庸俗经济学


bourgeois vulgar economics; vulgar bourgeois economics


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 362.
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics[M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968:9.


1844 年恩格斯发表了《政治经济学批判大纲》;马克思分别于1859 年和1867 年发表了《政治经济学批判》和《资本论》第一卷,而后者的副标题仍是“政治经济学批判”,并宣布“庸俗经济学的丧钟已经响了”。这样,一方面“ 庸俗化”了的资产阶级经济学开始了“边际革命”,进而“数理化”、“计量化”、“均衡化”、“边际化”,更重视对经济现象的实证分析,不再侧重对国家政策的分析;另一方面,马克思批判地继承了古典政治经济学的科学因素,将经济学更加“政治化”、“革命化”,从资本主义生产总过程的分析中,得出解决问题的办法只能是推翻现存的资本主义制度。(资产阶级庸俗政治经济学.via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%BA%B8%E4%BF%97%E7%BB%8F%E6%B5%8E%E5%AD%A6)




1. 首先,德国的经济学家从来也没有指责过马克思提出的理论同斯密、李嘉图的理论毫无关联;恰恰相反,他们却指责斯密和李嘉图派生了马克思,似乎马克思只是从这些先辈关于价值、利润和地租的理论中,总之,从先辈关于劳动产品分配的理论中引伸出结论。因此,他们就成了轻视古典学家的庸俗经济学家。您提到的布伦坦诺也会说您完全没有打中目标。—— 《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十八卷)》,1972:46

1. First of all, not one German economist has ever accused Marx of advancing theories that were not connected with those of Smith and Ricardo. On the contrary, what they do is reproach Smith and Ricardo with having produced Marx who, in their view, has merely drawn inferences from the theory, propounded by the aforesaid predecessors, of value, profit, rent and, lastly, the division of the product of labour. That is why they have become vulgar economists who don’t give a damn for the classicals. You cite Brentano whose reply to you would be that all your shots are wide of the mark. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 49), 2001: 141.

2. 只有商业资本占统治地位的这些经济上的原因,才能给我们提供一把锁钥,使我们了解商业资本实际上具有的各种不同的形式,在这些形式中经常可以看到(这是毫无疑义的)最普通的欺诈伎俩。相反的做法,——正如民粹派通常所作的那样,——即仅仅指出“盘剥者”的各种诡计,并根据这点而完全撇开现象的经济本质问题,就站到了庸俗经济学的观点上去。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:326

2. Only these economic causes of the domination of merchant's capital can provide the key to an understanding of the variety of forms which it assumes in real life, and among which we constantly meet (there can be no doubt of that) the plainest fraud. To proceed otherwise, as the Narodniks usually do, that is, to confine oneself to enumerating the various tricks of the “kulaks,” and on these grounds completely to brush aside the economic nature of the phenomenon would be to adopt the viewpoint of vulgar economics. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 362.

3. 这种反思联系的粗率和无知,首先在于它模糊资本主义社会的历史的、暂时的性质。它的各种规定带有适合一语社会形态的无时间性的永恒的范畴的假象。这在资产阶级庸俗经济学中表现得最明显,但是庸俗的马克思主义很快就步其后尘。辩证的方法被取消了,随之总体对各个环节在方法论上的优越性也被取消了:各部分不从整体来理解,相反,整体被当作不科学的东西被抛弃,或者退位成了不过是各部分的“观念”或“总和”。——《历史与阶级意识——关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:57

3. The crudeness and conceptual nullity of such thought lies primarily in the fact that it obscures the historical, transitory nature of capitalist society. its determinants take on the appearance of timeless, eternal categories valid fox all social formations. This could be seen at its crassest in the vulgar bourgeois economists, but the vulgar Marxists soon followed in their footsteps. The dialectical method was overthrown and with it the methodological supremacy of the totality over the individual aspects; the parts were prevented from finding their definition within the whole and, instead, the whole was dismissed as unscientific or else it degenerated into the mere ‘idea’ or ‘sum’ of the parts. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 9.


例句 1:
The first one is the assessments on Say’s Law, which conclude the understanding of its importance, Sismondi’s criticism of laissez-faire values, Malthus’s ideas of demand management and their differences, Keynes’ negation on the conditional and Marx’s criticism of Bourgeois Vulgar Economics based on the value of labor product, Trinity Formula and historical materialism.

例句 2:
In “critique of the Gotha Programme”, Marx pointed out that the essence of the Lassalle bourgeois vulgar economics.

例句 3:
Wang Zeke’s Modern Economics uses supply and demand theory to replace labor value theory and holds that profit is to award people according to their contribution so as to deny capitalists’ exploiting workers and to attack Marx’s labor value theory and socialism theory and his aim is to use capitalist philistine economics to replace Marxism Economics.





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