

字词 解构




Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 29.




[1] 解构.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=LbbTHy21c-DgHOE-sl-8YJw3-X4RSklfhdlHSLWJ1AgxVuvaBeW5BYsm4h8OuvVocIJmD04fq99_H7Vro7kT-K
[2] 解构主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=mgsrQa7ze8rKvzNT3M0-oowJdvicOFdKWuAwdOxmiA0pUq2uCg4BUt7S332QVsC978Nb1krhKemc8E5quS8IRK


1. 对于经典马克思主义者而言,这将会成为共谋和渐进主义的一种可憎的混合,也不是非常令人尊重的政治策略。他们始终认为,共谋扫除了渐进主义获得成功的一切机会,因为工会的改良主义在这个方面是一个具有启示意义的榜样。拉克劳和墨菲之所以掩饰共谋,因为就他们对同一性概念的解构而言,无论是自由主义还是保守主义都不是一种固定的立场,因而容易被颠覆。但是,这种论证方式反过来也能够应用到他们身上,因为左翼也不可能成为一种固定的立场。—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:45

1. To the classical Marxist this will constitute an unsavoury blend of collusion and gradualism, neither very highly regarded political manoeuvres, and the argument is always likely to be that the collusion wipes out any chance of the gradualism being successful anyway, with trade union reformism constituting an instructive model in this respect. Laclau and Mouffe gloss over collusion on the grounds that, given their deconstruction of the concept of identity, neither liberalism nor conservatism is a fixed position, therefore open to subversion; but that line of argument can always be turned back on them, in that being on the left cannot be regarded as a fixed position either. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 29.

2. 与此种解构的立场相对照,德里达猛烈攻击过去一切对马克思的理解。为此,他发明了一个新词,叫“本体论应答”,简单说,也就是指在传统马克思主义研究中对马克思精神的各种各样的实体性的诠释和对象化。因为在德里达看来“作为马克思本人的应答,鬼魂什么都不是,既是时间上的虚无(非存在、非实在、非生命),也是想象的虚无!”——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:308

2. In comparison to this deconstructive position, all the past understandings of Marx are under violent attacks by Derrida. He even coins a new phrase, “ontological response,” which means various substantial illustrations and objectification of Marx’s spirit in conventional studies. For Derrida, “the response of Marx himself for whom the ghost must be nothing, nothing period (non-being, non-effectivity, non-life) or nothing imaginary.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 402.

3. 一时间,国际共产主义运动堕入全面消沉的谷底“马克思主义死亡”的老调被再度重弹。正是在这个全世界左派彷徨迷惑、痛苦不堪的时刻,当代最著名的解构理论大师德里边站出来发表了《马克思的幽灵》一书,公开提出马克思幽灵化在场的重要观点,堂皇而理直气壮地与这股布尔乔亚的强势思潮短兵相接,并旗帜鲜明地亮出了维护马克思批判精神的左派立场。这是一种极为可贵的历史批判精神和"反潮流精神"。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:274

3. At this confusing, painful moment for the world leftists, Jacque Derrida, the most renowned deconstruction master, firmly stood out with his Specters of Marx, loudly proclaiming the presence of Marx's specters, bravely struggling against the prevailing bourgeois trend, and clearly demonstrating his leftist position to maintain Marx's critical spirit. It is a really courageous and valuable critical spirit that “goes against the current.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 362.


例句 1:
归根结底,我们在解构中发现的是一种并非陌生的智慧。在中西共存于资本主义全球化的世界,解构是一不受“光明进步”宏大叙述所讹诈的内省力。——“西方文论关键词 解构”,载于《外国文学》2012年第5期
In the final analysis, deconstruction is not a wisdom alien to us. In a world where China and the West share the same fate of globalization, deconstruction is a welcome insight that allows us to reject the blackmail of grand narratives that are invoked in the name of modern “progress” .

例句 2:
Heidegger’s deconstruction of metaphysics is of great significance to his philosophy of being. Such deconstruction is closely related to the Christian theology from three perspectives.

例句 3:
Derrida’s “The spirits of Marxism” regarded emancipation as something of non-deconstruction, which meant that deconstruction had been obsolete.





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