

字词 老虎、苍蝇一起打


to take down both “flies and tigers”—junior and high-ranking officials who take bribes; steal assets and illicitly enrich themselves and their families”


He Yiting. The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream” [M]. London: New Classic Press, 2015: 80.




[1] “从严治党,惩治这一手决不能放松”.via:http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2016-01/27/c_128672867.htm.
[2] 申恩威.全面深刻理解“老虎”“苍蝇”一起打[N].人民日报,2014-6-3(7).


1. 既要坚决查处大案要案,严肃查办发生在领导机关和领导干部中的案件,不管涉及到谁都要一查到底,决不姑息;又要着力解决发生在群众身边的腐败问题,严肃查处损害群众利益的各类案件。这就是习近平总书记强调的要坚持 “老虎”“苍蝇”一起打。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:88

1. We are determined to fight with the corruption. Any cases involving corruption, especially related with Party leaders, should be investigated thoroughly. We hold the zero-tolerance attitude toward this. At the same time, we will make efforts to tackle the corruption problems around the masses. Any behavior that impairs the interests of the general public should be punished severely. That is what General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted: “take down both ‘flies and tigers’—junior and high-ranking officials who take bribes, steal assets and illicitly enrich themselves and their families.” -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 80.


例句 1:
In the aspect of ideology construction, it emphasizes the ideal faith education which believes faith is the calcium of communist spirit; In the aspect of organization construction, it emphasizes the high quality construction on cadres team and strict political discipline and rules; In the aspect of style construction, it is firmly opposed to “four winds” and insists on purifying the party’s political ecology; In the aspect of combating corruption and promoting political integrity, cracks down on both tigers and flies with no tolerance; In the aspect of institution construction, adheres to govern the party, manage the power and officials by the institution. Put the power into the cage of regulation.

例句 2:
Therefore, fighting with the villager officials’ land corruption is imminent and government should insist on the policy “fight the Tiger and Flies together” under the background of anti-corruption.

例句 3:





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