

字词 经济理性


economic reason


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 133.


经济理性是近代经济学鼻祖英国人亚当·斯密1776年在《国富论》一书中最早提出来的,由法国思想家安德烈·高兹在《经济理性批判》一书中进一步发展。从不同视角进行研究具有不同的内涵:第一,从主体角度讲,经济理性是单一主体,是一种更接近于人的本能的理性,只重视人们的需要,是人类中心主义的反映;第二,从价值角度讲,经济理性是看重交换价值,在交换中追求利润的最大化;第三,从目的合理性角度讲,经济理性是支配目的合理性行为的工具理性,他主要是选择有效的手段去达到既定的目标,是可以精确计算与预先算计的;第四,从理念角度讲,经济理性是指社会经济生活中人们以经济效益最大化为指向的价值理念,依据这一价值理念,经济主体总是要从诸种可能的经济行为中,选择预期会导致效用最大化的行为(via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/经济理性)。高兹认为,经济理性是伴随着资本主义的诞生而出现的。在前资本主义社会,人们可以自由决定其工作和生产强度,那时经济理性并不存在。而人类进入资本主义社会之后,便不再单纯为了消费而生产了,而是在经济理性的指导下,生产尽量多的产品。从一定意义上可以说,高兹认为的经济理性实质上是指资本主义以“越多越好”为原则的生产方式(金炳华,2003:1034)。


[1] via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/经济理性
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 在理论上,通过经济理性不屈不挠成功的实际经验,快速和普遍展示的东西是很容易预言的:那就是,虚假的全球化也就是全球的虚假化。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:325

1. It was easy to predict in theory what has been quickly and universally demonstrated by practical experience of economic reason's relentless accomplishments: that the globalization of the false was also the falsification of the globe. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 133.

2. 可是,在被降低到霍布斯或洛克的地位上的马克思那里,市民社会却全可以仅仅是国家的“真理”和现象,仅仅是经济理性用来为统治阶级服务的一种诡诈。——《保卫马克思》,1984:88

2. For a Marx thus relegated to the rank of a Hobbes or a Locke, civil society would be nothing but the 'truth of' its phenomenon, the State, nothing but a Ruse which Economic Reason would then put at the service of a class: the ruling class -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 111.


例句 1:
Andre Gorz’s theory of critique of economic reason is an important part of Eco-Marxism. He rethinks the rationality of modernization and defines the concept of economic reason, analyses the ecological and social disasters caused by capitalism economic reason, points out the ways to surmount economic reason and advocates ecological restructuring.

例句 2:
The article points out that economic methods have difficulties on analyzing environmental problems, and pure economic reason can not solve but lead to the environmental problems exactly.

例句 3:
Andre Gorz replaced capitalist economic reason with ecological reason and argued that what would go beyond the contemporary ecology crisis of capitalism is not inventing new technology or discover new resources but live a life beyond economic reason, and reclaim the basic rights to our life world.





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