

字词 经济利益


economic benefit; economic interests


[1]     Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 83.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 132.


经济利益是指在一定社会经济形态中满足人们经济需要的生产成果,亦称物质利益,它是人们进行社会活动的物质动因,由一定的生产关系所决定,并且是这种经济关系的表现。人类的多种多样的需要,要通过各种生产活动来满足,从而产生和形成了各种经济利益和经济利益关系。满足生活需要和生产需要的各种社会劳动成果,构成经济利益的物质内容。生产关系决定了人们不同性质的经济利益和利益关系。例如,资本主义利润是资本家的经济利益,资本家榨取剩余价值构成资本家同工人之间的经济利益对抗的关系。经济利益是形成阶级和引起阶级斗争的经济原因。经济利益的同一性,是使一个社会集团成为阶级的必要条件;经济利益的对抗性,是使不同社会集团成为对抗阶级的必要条件,任何阶级矛盾和阶级斗争归根结底都是由经济利益的矛盾和冲突引起的(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6012072-6225059.html)。每个社会都有自己不同性质的经济利益体系。以生产资料社会主义公有制为基础,以社会主义劳动为源泉,反映联合劳动者之间平等、协作和互利关系的经济利益,是社会主义性质的经济利益。在社会主义生产关系下,存在着多种多样的经济利益。这些利益在重要性上、在涉及的范围上以及在实现时间上还有各种差别,因此使社会主义经济利益表现为不同的种类。例如,有国家利益、集体利益和个人利益等。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6012072-6225059.html


1. 经过20多年实践,我国社会主义市场经济体制已经初步建立,但仍存在不少问题,主要是市场秩序不规范,以不正当手段谋取经济利益的现象广泛存在;生产要素市场发展滞后,要素闲置和大量有效需求得不到满足并存;市场规则不统一,部门保护主义和地方保护主义大量存在;市场竞争不充分,阻碍优胜劣汰和结构调整,等等。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:76

1. After 20 years of practice a socialist market economy has been basically established in China. But there are still many problems. The market lacks order, and many people seek economic benefits through unjustified means; the market for factors of production lags behind in development, unable to allocate the factors of production to meet the effective demand; the lack of unified market rules has resulted in rampant protectionism initiated by departments or local governments; and market competition is not good enough to select the superior and eliminate the inferior, and thus slows down economic restructuring. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 83.

2. 马克思主义的女性主义者……处于在矛盾的状况之中,即一方面,不论我们的阶级、能力或经济利益如何,致力于争取女人作为女人的利益的斗争,另一方面,又致力于争取被剥削的工人阶级的利益的斗争,从而必然带来赞同某些男人和反对某些女人的斗争。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:206

2. Marxist feminists are……in the contradictory situation of having a commitment to struggle for the interests of women as women, regardless of our class, power or economic interests, while at the same time having a commitment to struggle for the interests of the exploited working class, which entails struggling with some men and against some women. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 132.

3. 实际上,它们只是隐藏在动机背后的历史发展的盲目力量。意识形态因素不仅“掩盖”掉了经济利益,不仅是旗帜和斗争口号,而且是现实斗争本身始组成部分和因素。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》1996:114

3. They remained hidden behind motives and were in truth the blind forces of history. Ideological factors do not merely “mask” economic interests, they are not merely the banners and slogans: they are the parts, the components of which the real struggle is made. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 2014: 58.


例句 1:
The dissertation holds that, the judgers shall interpret insurable interests in judicial practice as following: the lawful practical economic interests owned by the insured person on insurance object.

例句 2:
Overseas economic interest protection has become more and more important as China’s overseas investment grows and Chinese enterprises are internationalized. The global political and economic environment also proposed new challenges for China’s overseas economic interests protection.

例句 3:
The source of capitalist expansion is the infinite vast market, which provides scalable space for its capital and produces huge overseas economic interests.





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