

字词 第三次工业革命


the Third Industrial Revolution


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 133.


第三次工业革命是指从20世纪四五十年代以来,人类在原子能、电子计算机、微电子技术、航天技术、分子生物学和遗传工程等领域取得重大突破,标志着新的科学技术革命的到来,这次科技革命被称为第三次科技革命。由于具备优越的地理条件,丰富的人才队伍资源,加之政府的高度重视,使得第三次工业革命率先在美国兴起,大量的新技术、新产业相继问世,并迅速扩展到全球范围内。第三次工业革命催生了一大批新型工业,其以原子能技术、航天技术、电子计算机的应用为代表,还包括人工合成材料、分子生物学和遗传工程等高新技术,第三产业得到迅速发展。其中最具划时代意义的是电子计算机发明,计算机一经产生,便得到了迅速发展和广泛运用,人类进入了一个崭新的时代,即信息时代。第三次工业革命也带来了一种新型经济—知识经济,知识经济发达程度的高低已成为各国综合国力竞争中成败的关键所在。第三次科技革命是人类文明史上继蒸汽技术革命和电力技术革命之后科技领域里的又一次重大飞跃。它不仅极大地推动了人类社会经济、政治、文化领域的变革,而且也影响了人类生活方式和思维方式,使人类社会生活和人的现代化向更高境界发展(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5367085-5602834.html)。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5367085-5602834.html


1. 前几天,我看了一份材料,说“机器人革命”有望成为“第三次工业革命”的一个切入点和重要增长点,将影响全球制造业格局,而且我国将成为全球最大的机器人市场。国际机器人联合会预测,“机器人革命”将创造数万亿美元的市场。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:120

1. A few days ago, I read an article which argued that the Third Industrial Revolution would be a Robot Revolution. It asserted that robots would change the pattern of the global manufacturing industry, and China would become the world’s largest robot market. The International Federation of Robotics predicted that the Robot Revolution would create a market value of trillions of US dollars. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 133.


例句 1:
The InterGrid is an important method to solve energy and environment crisis and the technological backbone of the 3th industrial revolution. The architecture design issues are the fundamental aspects of the InterGrid research and development.

例句 2:
As the latest accomplishment in Marxism localization in view of the development of global industrial revolution, thoughts on national governance and political administration including the “Five Concepts” by the Party Central Committee led by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of CPC since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, are considered as “Marxism in the epoch of Third Industrial Revolution ” represented by the emerging “The Internet of Things”. Xi’s speech at the seminar of provincial and minister cadres’ studying the implementation of the spirit of the 5th Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee systematically and integrally build up the theory on socialism co -sharing, and lays a





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