

字词 第三世界


the Third World


[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 494.
[2] Third world. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World






1. 但还是不可思议的是,作为维多利亚时代的思想家,马克思把欧洲、北美视为世界舞台的中心和未来革命的战场;而现在,这位思想家却明显地被第三世界各国人民广为尊崇,被尊为导师。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:2

1. But it remains paradoxical that Marx, a Victorian thinker who saw Europe and North America as the centre of the world’s stage and the arena for future revolutions, is apparently now more widely respected as a mentor by the populations of Third World countries. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 2.

2. 在潘涅库克看来,布尔什维克政府已演变成了一种对社会的专政,而这个专政离开了国家便行不通。这主要是由于俄国经济不发达的缘故,所以潘涅库克修正了他早期的观点,即第三世界可以按俄国的模式解放自己,而认为社会主义只能在工业发达的西方实现。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:181

2. According to Pannekoek, the Bolshevik government had evolved into a dictatorship over society, which could not do without the state. This was due ultimately to Russia's economic underdevelopment; Pannekoek therefore revised his earlier view that the Third World could liberate itself on the Russian model and thought that socialism was only capable of realisation in the industrially advanced West. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 1998: 189.

3. 齐泽克举的另一个重要的例子是今天一些西方大国以人权问题为由对第三世界国家的干涉。他说,在这种情况下,那些在第三世界国家中“非常‘真实’的是大多数基本人权在该国家没有受到尊重”,而外部干涉也许会真的改善这些国家的人权状况,但是,“只要没有提到干涉的真实动机(经济利益等等),这样的合法化依然是‘与意识形态相关的’”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:382

3. Zizek cites another example: “some Western power intervenes in a Third World country on account of violations of human rights, it may well be ‘true’ that in this country the most elementary human rights were not respected, and that the Western intervention will effectively improve the human rights record, yet such a legitimization none the less remains ‘ideological’ in so far as it fails to mention the true motives of the intervention (economic interests, etc.).” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 493-494.


例句 1:
The development of Third World developing countries and regions has become to be a major development issue that is of common concern for today’s international community.

例句 2:
Stalinism is a faction of communist party in the third world countries.

例句 3:
Mao Ze-dong’s strategy theory of “the three worlds” is based on world situation and the great changes of the basic contradictions in the world.





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